How to Ask Powerful Questions to the Tarot
It’s so important, when you’re reading tarot for yourself or others, that the questions asked are worded in the most powerful way possible. The quality of the answers you receive will depend entirely on the quality of the questions that you ask.
Any questions with the word “should” are going to keep you stuck in believing that you are limited. There are no rules in life. Instead, ask a question that will lead you to the outcome that you want. Ask how, what you can do, or who you have to be to move toward what you desire. Also, make sure that you are specific. Example: “What can I do to increase the income in my business to $1,500 a week?”
This is a way of empowering yourself by CHOOSING where you direct your focus.
Two more questions that are great to ask are: “What is blocking me?” Or, “Where am I resistant?” It’s so important to be aware of where you are stuck, where you are screwing yourself over and then, follow that up with, “What can I do to move forward?”, “What can I do to upgrade my life?” Or “What can I do to remove the blocks and resistance that prevent me from _____?”
I also love the question: “What is most important for me to know right now?” Or, “What does my highest self want me to know?” This is actually a great question because it allows you to become aware of something new and shift your perception. This question will help you to grow and change your life in new ways that you may not have even considered before.
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