Tarot Cards Indicating Soul Mates AND Pick a Card: What does he/she REALLY feel for me?

First of all, what is a soulmate really? A soulmate is a person who comes into your life to help your soul to evolve. That’s all. There is no guarantee that you’ll have a great relationship, or that you’ll stay together. The only guarantee you get in a soulmate relationship is that you will learn and grow.

The Ten of Cups:

This is a card that can indicate HAPPY soulmates who have a long term, loving and joyful relationship.

The Lovers:
This lovely card often indicates a soulmate relationship that is blessed by the divine. The couple that this card describes are very close. They live in harmony together and they are united in love.

The six of cups often indicates a relationship between people that have spent past lifetimes together.

The Star is a blissful relationship that “comes from the stars”. It’s a deeply healing relationship.

If you’ve been wishing for a soulmate relationship, this card can definitely indicate that your wish is coming true. 

More than any other tarot card, in my opinion, the two of cups. This is a card of deep understanding, connection on a spiritual level, healing for both individuals and evolution for both of them.



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